Pre-painted Shopping Totes-WI-can mail

Farmer Kitty

Flock Mistress
12 Years
Sep 18, 2007
My web-site now has pre-painted totes.

All you have to do is look, choose one and order it. Perfect for those who don't know what clipart to use or which colors to choose!

I still will make to order with clipart on web-site or one you send to me. This is just another option.

I also have a sale running right now.
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Thank you! I have had them loaded with 2 gallons of juice and had no problem. I've also had them filled with can goods and not had any problems. I have 6 that I have been using since Christmas time.
I do stencils and clipart both. I can't draw worth a beans but, I can transfer the clipart over and hand paint it with no problem.

By logo, are you referring to your aviator? It doesn't look to bad to do.
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