

9 Years
Mar 18, 2012
Let my hens out as usual this am and something came through fast scattering feathers an taking two of the big hens. I believe it was a hawk or hawks. Feeling soon deflated
Sorry for your losses, do you have bantams or standards? I don't think your average hawk can take a standard size hen with only feathers left. I'm think dogs or coyotes. Are they in a run or free range?
Sorry for your losses, do you have bantams or standards? I don't think your average hawk can take a standard size hen with only feathers left. I'm think dogs or coyotes. Are they in a run or free range?
These are marans pretty big hens. It could have been coyotes I close them up at night in a coop. And one hen survived unscathed. I'm going to stay with this one when I let her out .I have raccoons but they eat together an get along with chickens
So sorry for your loss. It could have been most any predator. If you have a camera, put it up because whatever it was will probably be back and then you should know for sure what you're dealing with. I wouldn't trust a coon. Good luck

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