Preditor attack help


7 Years
Jun 30, 2015
East TN
Last night I wasnt home to shut the hens up at dark and something got in the hen house. I am thinking possum but it could have been a raccoon I guess. Whichever it chewed up all my plastic eggs I had in the boxes.

1 of my Sex Link hens has wounds between her wings. They dont look supper deep but she lost the top layer of skin and feathers right in the center with a tear going slightly under her wing.

I brought her inside where its warm and where the other hens wont see and start pecking on her but now I need to know what I can do to help her heal? Any and all suggestions will be helpful so I know what to pick up tomorrow for her.
First make sure the wound is clean and any and all debris is removed. You can do this under cool running water. If it's pretty deep you can use a needless syringe to flush the wound with a mix of hydrogen peroxide to water 50/50.

After that you'll want to apply a disinfecting wound spray such as Vetericyn Wound and Skin Care. Any deep lacerations you can put Neosporin on. If you need to protect the wound from being pecked by the other chickens you can apply Blue-Kote wound dressing. Give her some Electrolytes and some Probiotics in her water to boost her immune system to speed the healing. When she is all doctored up give her a few treats to cheer her up (a few mealworms or another one of her favorites).

Sorry about your attack. May she get well really soon.
I got a better look at the wound and it appears most of it is just the top layer of skin with one spot being a tear into the deeper tissue about an inch long. I flushed with peroxide for now and will put some neosporine on the deeper spot tonight. Will have to be tomorrow before I can pick up the other meds. She has good color on her face and talks when I pick her up so I am hoping she will recover well. At least it is cool enough now that flies wont be an issue for the most part.

Poor girls they still managed to lay a few eggs for me today though which I wasnt sure they would do after the trauma.

I do have another hen that has a very minor injury at the back of her head where her comb is but I think it will be fine without any thing done to it. It has totally stopped bleeding and I didnt want to mess with it and make it bleed again.
Sounds like you got everything taken care, good job. Tomorrow you can pick up the Vetericyn which is good to always have in your chicken emergency kit. You can always put a little on your other hens wound too.
The peroxide wash and neosporin is good for deep wounds and you have it on hand.

All I've ever had to use is Blu-kote and highly recommend it. If you have anything for an emergency chicken kit this would be the stuff. It is an antiseptic all by itself, comes in a spray on can that makes life easy for you and the bird and, yes there's more to this must have product, it covers wounds with a blue coating so the other birds don't peck at it. Any open wound or blood will be constantly pecked at by flock mates. Covering the wound with Blu-kote puts an end to it. Seriously, all I use and little wounds happen on a yearly basis so having Blu-kote on hand is a must for me. It will be in the cow section at the local feed store.

The egg thief could be a skunk too. A raccoon likely would have kill the bird outright even if half grown. Possum and skunk when full grown kill birds but are known egg thieves at any age.
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Like Egghead_Jr has mentioned, Blue-Kote is great stuff for wound dressing.

I only want to mention to be careful when using it as it will stain and is near impossible to get it out of clothing. If you're in the house, then be extra careful when applying it so it doesn't stain any household items
Thank you all for the help.

I didnt think about a skunk but I didnt smell where one had been around usually they leave their stink behind. We have dealt with skunks before getting in the cat food so it isnt out of the question. Either way I am on critter watch and will be helping it along to its next life when I see it.

Strange thing is the 3 roosters I have are in with my 2 goats and we dont lock them up at night but whatever it was went for the eggs/hens. The hen house looks like I should have nekked chickens again with all the feathers but as far as I can see no one lost a over large amount so it must be a few from everyone.
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An update. The hen, Bonnie that was hurt the worst is doing OK. She still dosnt move around much but I suspect she is very sore. There is no sign of infection in the wound and it is starting to show signs of healing. The hen with the small spot on her head is fine. Bonnie is still in the house where I can tend to her in a nice big wire cage.

The only thing worrying me a bit is that I have yet to see her eat or drink. We have been giving her water via a syringe and she takes it well. Her face color is good and she "talks" I am guessing she just dosnt feel like eating after the trauma.

We set up a live trap and caught a racoon by the chicken lot so I am going to say it was probably what got in with them. We are keeping the live trap up for a week or two and see if we catch anything else.

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