Preening Birds


13 Years
Oct 6, 2010
Bay Area, CA

Is it just me? But when I watch my birds preen and really get down into those feathers, I just can't help but ask them what they lost in there? It really reminds me of a women digging around in her handbag for her cell phone.
tosh preening.. She spends more time preening that anything else I swear.:)
I've got one hen who puts food under her feathers. It so funny to see her grab the best morsel, tuck it away, and her sisters wonder where in the coop the morsel went. It even more funny if she takes a few steps and the food falls out. She's like, "Look what fell out of me! I declare! Who put that there?"
I've got one hen who puts food under her feathers. It so funny to see her grab the best morsel, tuck it away, and her sisters wonder where in the coop the morsel went. It even more funny if she takes a few steps and the food falls out. She's like, "Look what fell out of me! I declare! Who put that there?"

Oh, that's hysterical. You must capture that in photos.

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