Privett Hatchery?


THE Delaware Blue Hen
12 Years
Feb 21, 2007
Home Of The Delaware Blue Hen
I was just wondering if anyone has ordered from Privett Hatchery? My local feed store orders from them and I got my BO's last spring and they are healthy and very pretty.
I was just wondering that if there is anyone here who has....did you order a specific sex?

I am just curious to see how they are marked...It says on there site that all breeds and sexes will be boxed together and unmarked unless specified by you..... Ok Does that mean...when you order, you say for Example...I would like 4 BO pullets and a BO roo. Or does "specified by you" mean you have to say I WOULD LIKE THEM MARKED???

I am confused.....
My local store gets all their birds from Privett and I don't have many issues. Of 25 birds in 2 years I've only lost two in the first couple days since I brought them home. Not too bad IMHO. The ones that lived have been very healthy and great birds.
I would order from them if I needed bigger quantities but my local will get the small numbers I need for me
the chicks ill be getting this year will come from from what ive seen this year the chicks look good.
I just happened to be traveling within an hour of there today, and I called to see if they had the breed I wanted so I could pick them up. I was very sternly told that they only ship, and would not allow me to pick them up.
Sorry, but any business that will not allow me to personally see a human doesn't get my $$. I undertand with NPIP not allowing a tour, and I wouldn't expect to go to the pens. But to not even allow me to pick them up at an office?
Decision made.

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