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6 Years
Jul 15, 2013
I had a small flock of 6 birds, 4 of which laid almost every day. About 2 weeks ago I found one of my best layers dead in the coop. It looked like she had died in her sleep. No injuries and was still sitting on her feet with her head down. After that the rest of my chickens have not laid a single egg! I'm a bit baffled and don't know what to do. I thoroughly cleaned the coop and even put an egg back in the nesting box they all laid their eggs in in an effort to inspire them but to no avail. Any tips or insight would be most welcome!

Thanks, Bigwalk
I'm sorry for your loss. Chickens are sometimes very good at hiding illness. It's hard to know what is going on but you should check each bird and see if they have lice or mites. It might be time to worm them as that can sometimes be a reason for laying to halt. Good Luck
I have checked them for skin parasites and they are clean. I thought it weird that they all just stopped immediately after the one died.

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