Production Reds


12 Years
Apr 9, 2007
I picked up 3 Production Red pullets,but now Im down to 2.
They are less then a week old, so I know I have awhile before getting any eggs.
Are they friendly?
Do they lay good in cold weather?
Do they handle the good ok?

Feel free to share anything about them. I am new to this breed.
I have 4(only 3 are laying right now). Hands down the most reliable layer of large brown eggs I have. Actually, I have one hen that lays a jumbo egg every day. They aren't friendly, but they're not unfriendly either. Mine will occasionally jump in my lap and I have no problem catching them if I need to.
They were also bred to be heat tolerant so that's not an issue. Mine laid EVERY DAY through the winter(of course that's a Texas winter).
I have 4 (2 roos and 2 hens). They are pretty friendly and laid back. My 3 yr old son has no trouble handling them. The hens have been laying for the last 2 weeks (they are just now 5 months old). Mine are laying a nice egg 2 days on one day off. The roos are very pretty. We have ours up for grabs b/c my daughter wants pure rir.
Im so glad I picked out a good layer

What age do they start laying?
Ours started laying right around 20 weeks. The 6 we have a very friendly. They are from Privett. The first winter they layed eggs straight through. The second winter they were total slackers. And now that the days are longer and the weather warmer I am still only getting one egg, not even every day, from 6 hens. They are not in molt. So I am thinking that maybe they burn out after about 18 months of age.

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