protien for turkeys


12 Years
Nov 12, 2007
I read here that turkeys need more protien in their diet than chickens do. It was also mentioned that feeding them hardboiled eggs would raise the protien. Can I feed them raw eggs and get the same result?
They need gamebird feed. It comes in 24%, 30%, etc... The higher the number, the more protein content. You didn't say whether you had poults or grown birds. We give our grown birds dog food as treats. They love it and it has LOTS of protein.
I don't think raw eggs will work because they're not going to slurp up the runny stuff like a chicken would. They will only peck at small things like crumbles or hard-boiled egg yolks. Just hardboil 2 dozen at a time, that way you only have to do it every 10 days or so.
The hard boiled eggs would be just at the start to help get them to eat if needed !! The eggs would work but it would be costly in the long run and a lot more work

You really need to get a high protien feed that is over 24% to have good healthy turkeys in their adult hood or else they will be stunted and not have good vigorous growth like the ones on a high protien diet.
What kind of dog food? How long have you been doing this for? Do you have to grind it up or do the turkeys break it up themselves?

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