Pullet and chick besties


8 Years
Aug 17, 2016
I had two pullets; when one died of cocci a few days in (still sad!), I replaced her with a chick of the same breed since the breeder didn't have any more pullets. Thankfully, the chick and remaining pullet (about 8 weeks old) get along famously-- the chick, in fact (about 2 weeks old) is turning the pullet into a surrogate mother, snuggling underneath her in the evening. The pullet is down for this-- she fluffs up and tucks the chick under and it's pretty freaking adorable.
BUT...what's the risk the chick could get suffocated accidentally? I hate to separate them if I don't need to, but this is my first go round with a chick so small! Thoughts?
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I doubt she'll suffocate and your pullet is getting early mommy training! At two weeks the chick is already a good size and probably feathering out nicely (but still needing the snuggle warmth). Two more weeks and the snuggling will just be because of friendship and not survival
Thanks, Mace! I've always had pullets of similar sizes, so having such a tiny chick is a whole new world. I'll let them hang together-- I know the chick has been cold, since she's sticking like glue to the heating pad in her pen. It'll be nice to let them snuggle and forego the heating pad entirely.

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