Today is a bit of a sad day... 3 weeks ago we bought 2 Ameraucana pullets and a buff Orpington pullet. When we brought them home, they integrated so smoothly into our laying flock. One in particular, The Buff Orp, which we named Penny was the most personable little thing. She was so small, but would go steal food from the other hens mouths! Not only was she bold, but she followed me everywhere! She LOVED to accompany me while I did chores. So anyways, that brings us to today... We free range our laying flock, but they always stay close to the coop. We heard some squawking, so we ran outside. The flock was in the wood shed, hiding under pallets. To my dismay, their were two missing. Seca which is one of our hens that we raised inside the house, and Penny! I couldn't help myself, I feared the worst. I began to get frazzled, and searched for then everywhere. Now we own 31 acres, but the coop sits right next to our house. And as I said the chickens ALWAYS stay close to the coop and wood shed. We do have foxes that took a chicken last year, but it was shot because it looked to be ill (possibly rabies) So we don't have to worry about foxes any more and haven't seen one since. We do have some hawks as well, but I haven't seen any lately and I don't think that a hawk would get them if they were in the wood shed. Another possibility is coyotees, we have a lot of them. But they never even come close to the house (We know this because we have trail cams) Plus this happened around lunch time. I also think that it should be noted that there are no feathers anywhere.
I do have some good news, when I went back out, we found Seca! When I saw her I began to tear up and scooped her up to snuggle.
Now it's night and the flock is locked up in their coop, still no Penny
I wonder what could have possibly happened to her?!
I do have some good news, when I went back out, we found Seca! When I saw her I began to tear up and scooped her up to snuggle.
Now it's night and the flock is locked up in their coop, still no Penny
I wonder what could have possibly happened to her?!