Pullet jumping at me!


In the Brooder
8 Years
May 10, 2011
Seattle, WA
I have a 16 week old Buff Orpington pullet that is normally very nice and even likes to be held. Sometimes, however, she starts to circle around me and jumps at my legs. Has that happened to anyone else? I sure hope she doesn't turn out to be a rooster. The other pullets have never done that type of aggressive behavior.
Oh yes, one of my girls, her name is LT, she is usually pretty docile, but often has these fits and ends up attacking the living daylights out of my foot

I don't think you're alone, sometimes hens grow up a little more aggresive, especially if there are no roosters around, like in my case.

Someone has to take on the role of protector

, by the way!
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