Pullet or Cockerel? Cochin and Easter Egger


5 Years
Apr 21, 2014
NW Montana
Hi there, I am new to this forum and pretty new to chickens. I bought my first six pullets last year and have added some chicks this year as well. I have three Cochin that I believe might not be pullets. They are just over 5 weeks old.

I also have an Easter Egger that is supposed to be a pullet but doesn't act at all like my pullets I had last year. She is 4 weeks old tomorrow. Any thoughts? If the Cochin are all cockerels I will need to find them new homes.

Thanks for any thoughts!


I do believe all your cochins are roosters. That splash guy is going to be stunning!

Your EE looks like a pullet.
Thanks all. I was suspicious because all three have been running around bumping each with their chests constantly. Not something I had seen in my first batch of chicks I got last year. The EE isn't a color I have seen before so I thought maybe she wasn't a pullet either but I am happy to hear that she looks like one. I will most likely me keeping one boy and finding homes for the other two.

Are the two dark colored Cochin both black? 1st and 3rd pic are two different birds. They had black, blue, birchen and splash to choose from. I have never seen any cochin before so wasn't sure on the colors.

Thanks for the input! I love this site and have been trying to read a little every day.
I guess you black bird could be birchen, I don't think the silver shows up until they're fully feathered, and I'm not sure if it's on the juvenile plumage or not. Your rooster will get a silver "collar" first, then on the wings.

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