May 30, 2020 #1 A Ali86cat Hatching May 30, 2020 2 1 5 We got a batch of four white leghorn pullers (supposedly) from the local hardware store, but I have one whose comb is much bigger and redder than the others...could it be a cockerel? Attachments 5FAEE698-3F0F-490E-812A-C96288B2AE65.jpeg 93.5 KB · Views: 46
We got a batch of four white leghorn pullers (supposedly) from the local hardware store, but I have one whose comb is much bigger and redder than the others...could it be a cockerel?
May 30, 2020 #2 swamphiker Crowing Feb 24, 2020 1,612 7,265 456 Florida My Coop My Coop yep, that's a cockerel
May 30, 2020 #4 Chick-N-Fun Almy Acres Farm 8 Years Jun 26, 2014 23,388 186,443 1,617 Upstate, NY Handsome fella!