Pullet or cockerel?


In the Brooder
Feb 5, 2016
South Africa
Hi I'm new to backyard chickens and I just wanted to know if my juvenile chickens are pullets or cockerels? I think they are around 10 weeks old. We have 2 brahmas and an Orpington cross. We are pretty sure that the first one is a pullet (the chestnut and white laced brahma) but I am not so sure about the other two. I can't have cockerels so I am really hoping that they are all pullets

the middle two possibly and the pea combs, for them a male will typically have 3 rows and females will have 1 row I don't know the accuracy of this but it has always held true for me
Thank you for replying!.. so to be clear there are 3 chickens - the middle one (black speckled)- you are saying that the way to tell if that one is hen or cockerel can be that single comb is pullet, multiple comb is cockerel- is that right?
no Im sorry I can be a bit confusing that is for the pea comb style it there are 3 rows of bumps male and if there is one row it is female for the single comb on the black and white one I'm thinking male.
Thank you, I am so hoping that BantamFan4Life is right..... they are not cockerel until they are cockerel, right? The dark speckled one has the large comb, the red/ golden one the upright "boy" stance ... any more views on what they are and, when can one tell? Thank you!

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