pullet or cockerel


In the Brooder
6 Years
Jul 26, 2013



We got these two blue chocs about 7 weeks ago theu were being raised by 2 silkie hens. I posted picks when they were younger and people said they may be ameracana. #1 bottem of feet are white #2bottem of feet are yellowish. I am hoping they are both hens
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Sometimes the pointy feathers won't come in for a while on Ameraucana or EE boys. I have one boy that didn't show his until he was five months old, at least.

Of the two original pictures you put up, I think the first may be a cockerel, but it's hard to tell. You may have to wait for a little while, yet, before you know what they are. In the two more-recent pictures you put up, the second looks hen-ish in shape. Here's hoping for you.

I believe they are 7 to 8 weeks I'm not sure of the breed. The pic above are both of chic #2. I'll try to get more pics

By 8 weeks my ameraucana cockerels were showing much greater comb development than that bird, plus they had 3 rows of peas showing. I'm going to say that bird number 2 is a hen. Not as sure of bird number one. We need more pics of that one when you get a chance.

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