Pullet or Cockrel?


In the Brooder
May 14, 2015
Summerland BC Canada
best guesses? The tail looks quite rooster but the comb not so much. Never realized I could occupy so much of my thought on the sex of chickens! Age is 10.5 weeks and I have one that is definitely a Cockrel that looks much different.
By this age, a rooster would have much bigger and redder come. So I think it's a pullet
It looks like a pullet in the first photo and a roo in the 2nd...this is a tough one...I say roo, just not developed yet. The comb isn't red, but it is rather fleshy, more so than my pea comb EE's have been at 10.5 weeks.

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pointy feathers-- I would say roo...

And now you've got me thinking that the OE I have that looks similar (but younger) might also be a roo.

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