Pullets or roos?


Jun 24, 2020
Blk & White Serama @ 9-12 weeks in the Middle is ??? (the other two, the gold & blk serama and black D'Anver, appear to be pullets)


Mystery Breed from TSC @ 5 weeks (probably an easter egger) - Pullet? [ignore the sebright roo head at the bottom - he photobombed]
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Where can you get sexed seramas, out of curiosity?
I got my 2 from a local breeder. Seramas are very popular in my area, so they pop up as older chicks or young pullets every so often in the summer. I asked if possible for pullets but it wasn't a guarantee. I got the D'Anvers from the same breeder. The 3 D'Anvers appear to all be pullets and the other serama is definitely a pullet. So I'd say 4/5 is pretty good. Better than the 4/5 roosters I got from TSC straight run bantams.
the mottled serama is a cockerel and the EE looks like a pullet (but this might change)
Yeah, the EE is pretty young. My sebright roos are 5 weeks and you can 100% tell they are roos. I was hoping pullet due to the lack of wattles and the peach comb but... the law of straight run might not be in my favor.

Mottled Serema and Easter Egger Bantam are both definitely cockerels
Oh dear, I hope not on the EE. EE roos are a dime a dozen around here and it'd be hard to find a home if that's the case.

Just out of curiosity, for people familiar with EEs and EE bantams, is there a size between bantam and standard? This little one is about the size of a silkie, so bigger than my other bantams (serama, D'Anver, sebright, oegb), but nowhere near the size of a full sized bird of the same age.
Yeah, the EE is pretty young. My sebright roos are 5 weeks and you can 100% tell they are roos. I was hoping pullet due to the lack of wattles and the peach comb but... the law of straight run might not be in my favor.

Oh dear, I hope not on the EE. EE roos are a dime a dozen around here and it'd be hard to find a home if that's the case.

Just out of curiosity, for people familiar with EEs and EE bantams, is there a size between bantam and standard? This little one is about the size of a silkie, so bigger than my other bantams (serama, D'Anver, sebright, oegb), but nowhere near the size of a full sized bird of the same age.
I sadly can guarantee he is a cockerel. His comb is large and red for his age. A female's would essentially be nonexistent. Yes, there will be a size difference between bantam and large fowl Easter Eggers. Being a bantam is essentially a form of dwarfism so along with being smaller they'll also have traits like larger eyes compared to head size!

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