pullet taking on rooster role?


Feb 16, 2008
Austin, TX
My dad says that if there is no rooster in a flock of chickens, the most dominant hen will undergo a hormonal shift, stop laying eggs, and start acting like the rooster of the group. Does this actually happen? I'm mainly curious because one of my chickens seems to have stopped laying for no apparent reason.
Well? Anyone? I would like to know too!
I have 6 4-month old pullets. Although they are not laying yet, one of my red stars is definitely acting like a rooster. She is always flying out of the fence and roaming the yard. She even struts around like a rooster and approaches me and acts all macho. She attempts to crow, and tries to be as high as possible - today she was trying to figure out how to get on top of the coop! So I would say yes, it can definitely happen, though since mine haven't started laying yet I could not tell you how it affects egg production.
We do not have roosters but we do have an old english game hen that thinks she is the rooster. She crows and everything. Very friendly one of my favorite chickens but she sits on the top of the gate by my bedroom window and when she hears us get up in the morning she crows abut 5/6 times then goes about her day. Pretty funny to see this 2/3 lb hen crowing.
. So yes they can/will.
Interesting.... I do have one that makes a lot of noise- not exactly crowing, but she likes to stand high and bawk as loud and long as she can. But it's not that one that's stopped laying, so I don't know what to think!

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