Pullet who "lays around"


6 Years
Mar 25, 2013
Okay, so I am new to all this chicken business, but so far so good. I have five, 6week old girls who are getting ready to move out of their "apartment" *AKA:brooder in my kitchen* and into their coop. I have noticed that sometime though the girls act strange and dig themselves a nice little hole in the bedding, roll around and let the others peck all over her as she rolls around and lays there. I'm assuming this is normal as all five of them have done this at one point or another, but I'm wondering why? Anyone help me give my kids an explanation? as well as myself? lol. I have 2 Amberlinks, 2 Golden Comets and 1 Auracana. Thanks in advance. I just love this site. it's been such a great help reading all of the experiences here. :)
Sounds like they're practicing for dirt bathing! That's how they get clean although I don't see really how dirt does that ;)
All chickens do it and mine started doing it at the same age :)
Thanks so much! That's what I was thinking after further online investigation, but I was waiting to hear from someone on here! :)

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