Pullets leg sticking straight out on front of her, PHOTOS ADDED 6/17


In the Brooder
8 Years
Apr 11, 2011
Central New York
I'll follow down the list of questions first, then add info:

1) What type of bird , age and weight. Silkie, pullet, ~5mos old, average condition

2) What is the behavior, exactly. The pullets left leg is rigid, and sticking straight out in front of her. Pretty much immobile. She is very bright and alert, seems content at this point in time.

3) How long has the bird been exhibiting symptoms? 24ish hours

4) Are other birds exhibiting the same symptoms? no, it appears to be an injury.

5) Is there any bleeding, injury, broken bones or other sign of trauma. I can't find a break, or swelling. She gets very upset when I palpate above the hip area.

6) What happened, if anything that you know of, that may have caused the situation. I found her this way, in the pen with other. I speculate she got run over, or someone stepped on her foot feathering at the wrong time?

7) What has the bird been eating and drinking, if at all. She's eating and drinking very well, starter, chicken, eggs, sunflower seed, greens, etc. Drinking plenty of water.

8) How does the poop look? Normal? Bloody? Runny? etc. Poop is normal

9) What has been the treatment you have administered so far? I have her in a cage in the house (on my coffee table, sigh), she is on a 'nest' of towels. I keep her cleaned up as she eliminates. I gave her a few drops of polyvisol yesterday, and a couple today. Put some flower essence on her skin when I found her, as she was in distress. She looked 'shocky' to me. I held her, got her to drink, and dug a couple of worms to get her to eat, successfully, the movement stimulated her enough to eat.

10 ) What is your intent as far as treatment? For example, do you want to treat completely yourself, or do you need help in stabilizing the bird til you can get to a vet? I will have to treat her myself, no 'chicken' knowledgeable vets around here.

11) If you have a picture of the wound or condition, please post it. It may help. No pics now, will attempt some whenever DH gets home from work tonight.

12) Describe the housing/bedding in use. She was in a large pen in a shed, very large area of the south and east walls open and covered with hardware cloth (think fort knox). Pine shavings for bedding, 4-6 inches. 3 other silkies close in age, 8 LF pullets, and a bantam cochin. They all get along very well.

Hi, I found this little girl yesterday afternoon on one of my trips through the shed. I saw her foot feathers (she has a lot) sticking out 'too much' in front of her, just happened to catch my eye. I'd like to think I would have noticed in the am, when I feed, water and do a check, but who knows.. I pulled her out quickly, without fuss. She looked shocky, her eyes were dull and not as open as normal. I thought starting to dehydrate. I got her to drink tiny amounts, held her(she calms) and dug a few small worms. The movement stimulated her pecking at them in my hand, and she ate them, and then began to drink normally. She can't stand up on this leg, it sticks out in front of her, rigidly. She has strength and movement in it when I hold her, but she sits with it out in front of her. I have her settled on a nest of hand towels in a cage. I keep food and water in front of her on a hand towel folded to raise it a bit.
She's very alert and interested in everything going on, enjoys watching out the window, and having a human hanging with her. Happy to be hand fed.
I'm scared for her.
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Try the link in my signature. The site has a lot of info that may help. Good luck.
hmm i really have no idea, but here's what i'd do: tug gently on her leg. what's her reaction? does she squawk in protest? push back on her leg. again, reaction? if you part her feathers and look at the joint does it look like it is out of place at all? compare it to her other leg if you don't know what to look for. i have a suspicion her leg might be dislocated, but i'd need to see a pic first. all her other limbs work fine, correct? can we rule out paraysis?
I suspect dislocation also. Have to wait for another set of hands to get pics. I can try pulling pushing in a bit. Wish iknew more. Couldn't find anything describing the same situation anywhere. Thanks, you all.
These are not the best pics, but maybe of some help:


another angle


a more detailed view of the area


and closer


She is now talking to me any time I'm out of sight and she hears me, a soft inquisitive chirping, sigh. She's actually much more feisty today, and moving herself around a little bit, not normal movement, and I wish she wouldn't, because I don't want her to injure herself further. She sort of flaps, and rocks.
I can see it now, a house chicken. Of course, I am getting more attached to her by the minute. As with anyone I take care of.
We don't get to take a real vacation, DH is a contractor, so we usually get away a few weekends. We bring the dogs, and I can see myself bringing this poor hen. Try explaining this one when looking for an accommodating inn. Puts a whole new spin on 'pet-friendly'. sigh..
is her leg stiff like it's stuck in that position? like if you lift her up does it stay that way? of is it lk she can't use her muscles so the leg keeps sliding forward? is the hock joint locked in place or mobile?
It could be from an injury or head injury, but I'd check out the possibility of Marek's disease. She's right at the age they are usually affected with the type that causes paralysis.
wouldn't paralysis be in more than one limb??
and if it is a head injury, the OP would be able to move the leg all right by hand, the chicken just couldn't move it by herself, at least i'm pretty sure
Mareks attacks the nerves - it could affect one or both legs. They often seem completely normal except for the paralysis. This pullet is displaying a pretty classic mareks posture.

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