Pullets needed in N.Y., Suffolk County


11 Years
Oct 10, 2008
The family and I started our own backyard flock with the help of Mypetchicken.com and of course the 6 pullets we ordered turned out to be 2 pullets and 4 Roos. I am looking for about 6 pullets, at least teenagers to replace my stock. I am open to most breeds. Will pay shipping or pick up of close enough. Thanks.
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I think your title will get people who are looking to buy, not those who are looking to sell.
Also - NY is HUGE (contrary to what non-NewYorkers think
).. what county or town/city are you in?
Thanks for your reply, you are absolutely right. I changed it accordingly. We are in Suffolk County.
Hi conroy I found this on craigslist. I have an Austrolorp & she's a darling...

Pullets and Cockrels - Chickens - Australorp and Rock - $15 (walden)

Reply to: [email protected] [?]
Date: 2008-10-05, 9:14AM EDT

I have 12 to 16 week old black australorp and barred rock chickens. Many available, first come, first serve.

These are two of the best brown egg laying breeds that I know of! Australorps are far better layers than Rhode Island Reds!

E-mail me for more information and let me know what you are looking for. Flexible pricing depending on how many you are looking for. These girls will be laying soon! Search words: hen hens rooster pullet pullit chicken chickens chicks

Location: walden
it's NOT ok to contact this poster with services or other commercial interests
PostingID: 867084258
Thank you so much...we emailed them and are waiting for the reply.
We are going to pick up 4 australorp hens tomorrow. I am sooo excited.
You are very welcome & I'm excited for you! Good luck & do post pics so we can see!
OK so I'm gonna try uploading the pics...

This is a test to see if it worked.
I don't know how to make them smaller but here they are..they are a little beat up but I think after a couple weeks with us they are gonna be gorgeous.

This is Henry and Snowy (Ameraucana Roo and pullet) checking out the new birds...

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