Pullets or Cockerels? Easter Eggers?


5 Years
Apr 22, 2014
Arroyo Grande, Ca
After another post of mine, I have been told that the birds I bought are not the breeds that I was told they were (Golden Laced Wyandotte and 2 Ameraucana). Do you agree all three are Easter Eggers? I purchased three 7 week olds to add to my flock since one of my sexed hens ended up being a cockerel. I cannot keep the new birds if they are not pullets. So more importantly than breed, what sex are these three? Can you help me? Thank you!




The three together:
#3 is the only one that worries me. Might just be an awkward feathering stage but there are a lot of cockerels that look like that around this age. If it's not a big deal to swap out for a different one, I would.

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