pullets or cockerels?


6 Years
Aug 30, 2013
We are new to raising chickens and we bought 5 chicks when they were 4 weeks old.

We built a lovely house with a run and even a special outdoor area for them and we have had great fun watching them grow, each day.

We got them to lay eggs and to add to our family of 6 dogs [ who we have to keep a careful eye on and protect the chicks from] and our fish.

Each day I get more attached but now a friend has told us that they might all be male!
At least 4 anyway. they are now 7/8 week old, how can we tell what sex they are and is it dangerous to leave them in same house if they are all male?

Advise please

Paul + Mary G
If you post a picture we can help you with whether you have any, or all, roo's in the group.

At this age usually the most telling feature in young roo's is their comb/wattle development and color, they get pink/red combs and faces much earlier then hens do. Hens will often not get red in the face/comb until they are getting ready to lay at around 20 weeks or so.

Some breeds can also be told by their coloring.

So, with that all said, a picture is worth a 1000 words!

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