Puppy experts - Is Eagle Pack a good choice?


One of the Shire-folk
12 Years
Apr 14, 2009
I was just doing some research on what type of puppy food to feed my new lab puppy, and Eagle Pack caught my eye, as it looked to be pretty good nutritionally and ingredientally
(don't think that's a word) and was reasonably priced. I only have a couple of concerns - the calcium content is 1.5%, which is a little higher than the recommended 1.2% max that I've seen in two different places. I also am wondering if the fiber content (3.5%) is high enough. I don't know what the right amount would be.


Does anyone use this or could tell me what their opinion is on the formula?
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I checked out the link and I, personally, would say No. The first four ingredients are chicken meal, ground brown rice, ground white rice, ground corn. Two forms of rice will only add non complex carbs to your dogs diet, rice commonly causes over-run of yeast in ears as well, causing need to take your dog to the Vet. And I never feed any food that has CORN listed in the ingredients. Dogs do not digest corn very well, its basically a "filler" and often causes allergic reactions in dogs. Also corn, along with rice, cause a lot of yeast infections in the ears.

I would go for a food with no corn or wheat.
I feed Touch of the Wild, along with raw a couple of days a week. Puppies really love it, and it seems very high quality.

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