Pure Bred NHR eggs or roo wanted

Scratchn By

11 Years
Nov 7, 2008
East Texas
Hey byc!

If you've got NHR and they're pure, I want to buy eggs. I'm replacing a pb roo. So, I'm willing to start from the egg or some chicks would be wonderful.

If you know someone with, please refer me.

Great! Send me some pics of your reds, please! How much for 1000 eggs?

Just kidding... 12 should do. I might get a roo from a doz.
Try the uploads on this site. Your photo might be clearer.

How much are you selling the chicks for? Or are you?

The chicks are 29 days old today I know that getting a good young roos is hard, I was going to suggest to you to wait couple of weeks and I could send you a six week old chick. I would sell you the chicks for $3.50 each plus true shipping cost. I have over 240 chicks Bar-rocks R.I.R. and N.H.R.
I'm new to the forum and I would like to make friends. I will take and post more pics tomorrow.

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