Purely poultry reviews on ducks


In the Brooder
7 Years
Dec 30, 2012
Has anyone got birds from them this year? I haven't heard any reviews lately so just trying to figure out if it's worth it or not. Thanks
no, but last year got baby ducklings from Holderread waterfowl farm and most most pleased with them!!! Hope this helps and have a great day!
Well from what I understand purely poultry is a middle man who works with a few dif hatcherys... That being said I ordered call ducklings from them last yr. ordered 15 asst. was mailed 16 with 1 doa. Because of a weasel attack I lost about half this last fall. So this morning i placed another order for a doz new call ducklings in the colors I've been wanting. They have been great with the billions of questions I've asked. I'm very glad I got my order in when I did. They started taking pre orders on mon for March, April, May, June hatch days... By thus morning all that was left was May and June.
I ordered early got snowys,pastel,pincled. How was the quality of the birds? I was also wondering where they were shipped from? Sounds like they ship good for you. Purely poultry has been great to me so far so no complaints yet!
Lmao we ordered the same thing! My greys from last year are bitty. My pastels are a lil bigger. I had one runt that didn't make it. At three weeks he was the size of a hatchling. Sadly he got trampled one night at about three weeks. I should of separated him out I guess. But over all I'm very pleased with my birds. I'm hoping the ones I got last year start laying soon. I have a pair of greys left, two pairs of whites. And a pastel drake.... And a snowy I bought off cl who is huge compared to my purely poultry ducks. He is still a call..but almost pushing mallard sized
Sounds like who ever purely drops ships from is a decent breeder. I ordered 4 of each hoping to get at least a pair hopefully more females then males lol I'm really looking forward to see what the pencils will end up looking like from them
They actual come from Johnson's waterfowl out of minasota . You can order from them directly...but they only take check and money order... So while they are cheaper it's just easier for me to order from purely
Ya I agree it's nice to have the health guarantee and order with your card from purely.

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