Purina Horse Feed


Alaskan Wanderer
8 Years
Aug 25, 2011
Today I went down to my feedstore. Me and this woman started chatting; apparently her horses' stomach had exploded because she was feeding her horses a crummy feed.
She told me that she contacted Purina about it, and supposedly they're investigating it. I read somewhere on an Equine Website that a specific brand of Purina feed had been recalled... but I can't remember. Anyhow, creepy
Keep your eye on the Equine websites and perhaps even the news. Maybe this will effect more horses. Hope not
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I heard something similar but don't remember the type either. I buy my grain from a local feed mill and was never disappointed there.
Me and this woman chatted about 2 days ago. She said that she contacted Purina 1 week ago after we talked. I doubt its enough time for the FDA to get the word out... but lets keep our fingers crossed, this might get interesting...
It might, but also keep in mind that stories get started and passed around very easily in the horse world.

Until I see a veterinarian report that confirms the story and provides necessary detail, I would be more likely to believe mismanagement killed a horse than a problem with the feed. And horse's stomachs don't really....'explode'. They can rupture, twist, intussucept, etc. But a horse need not actually rupture his gut to die of digestive upset.

We have definitely had recalls on animal and pet feeds. Mixing errors have been made at factories.
Me and this woman chatted about 2 days ago. She said that she contacted Purina 1 week ago after we talked.

God knows what happened. I haven't seen what this woman has done to the horses. But I do remember a bunch of Purina feeds being recalled, and I'm pretty sure this is just another screw-up of theirs (no offense to anyone who feeds their pets Purina or their horses Strategy...) And, just to clear things up, colic actually can kill a horse.​
How interesting that this subject has come up! Right know I'm dealing (talking to) Purina because in a couple of bags of Strategy I found little pieces of plastic about the size of a nickel/dime some pieces were in the pellets also. There was a lot of plastic in these two bags. I never fed the grain to the horses because I saw it. But I wonder if any body else didn't see it and fed it to there horses!

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