My sweet girl Lacey is not herself as of last night. She's lethargic, is molting some, has light yellow mucousy poo, and has a purple comb. She is seven months old. I couldn't find her last night and was panicking when my husband found her in a nest box. However, she hasn't laid in about three weeks due to winter weather setting in. She left the nest when I disturbed her and has not laid an egg. This morning the flock was getting a little free range time, scratching around in the fallen leaves at the edge of the woods. They had enough and all went back into the run, except Lacey. She was sleeping standing in the leaves.
I have brought her in. She is eating and drinking. I'll give her some scrambled egg in a few. She enjoyed the little big of scratch they got outside this morning.
She is normally the most curious, first to run to me in the morning and likes to chase the dogs. Not interested today. I checked her over and don't see anything other than new pin feathers under her wings and the worrisome comb color.
Could all of her symptoms be due to molt?
I have brought her in. She is eating and drinking. I'll give her some scrambled egg in a few. She enjoyed the little big of scratch they got outside this morning.
She is normally the most curious, first to run to me in the morning and likes to chase the dogs. Not interested today. I checked her over and don't see anything other than new pin feathers under her wings and the worrisome comb color.