Purple Eggs?


Free Ranging
7 Years
Aug 14, 2017
Southeast Alabama
Anyone ever have a hen or pullet lay purple eggs? I know Easter Eggers can lay blue, green, brown, white, tinted, and even pinkish eggs, but I've never heard of purple eggs. I have 3 EE pullets I got from TSC back in the spring but none of them are laying yet and I keep them penned up till at least noon before letting them out.
I found a Leghorn mutt that can't be caught and penned, in an outdoor nest singing the egg song. When I looked in, I found another purple egg, this is the 4th one I've found in there. It's light purple and about medium sized.
I'll upload a pic later.
Anyone else ever heard of purple eggs?
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Ooh, I gotta hang around and see that picture! Maybe others have seen a purple egg but I haven't.
I haven't either till now.
I'll try to get some better pics.


  • 20181024_141242.jpg
    233.6 KB · Views: 87
I've heard of purple eggs from another species (I can't remember what it was, but it wasn't chickens. I think Tinamous?) and occasionally people will mention purplish eggs from their birds. I do have a Marans hen who on occasion layers on bloom thick enough to give her chocolate eggs sort of purplish in tone. Let me dig around my computer and see if I have a picture. :) They're much darker than the one you posted.

Have you tried running water over them to see if it's bloom or the actual shell color?
The purple tone is indeed caused by bloom; the white layered on top of the brown pigment dulls it to that lilac colour, or a more deep mauve on darker eggs. I have a Marans who does it, as well as several of my lighter egg-layers. I believe that the purplish tone is actually required in Langshan, though I have never kept them; from pictures, the eggs look like plums.
Here is the other egg that was right next to the purple one in the nest. Looks like some purple got splashed on it. If a pullet was producing excess amounts of bloom/cuticle could it be purple? I thought bloom was clear.
I'm not sure the color is showing correctly with this cheap phone.


  • 20181027_135150.jpg
    125.3 KB · Views: 72
I've heard of purple eggs from another species (I can't remember what it was, but it wasn't chickens. I think Tinamous?) and occasionally people will mention purplish eggs from their birds. I do have a Marans hen who on occasion layers on bloom thick enough to give her chocolate eggs sort of purplish in tone. Let me dig around my computer and see if I have a picture. :) They're much darker than the one you posted.

Have you tried running water over them to see if it's bloom or the actual shell color?
I haven't washed it but I will.
The purple tone is indeed caused by bloom; the white layered on top of the brown pigment dulls it to that lilac colour, or a more deep mauve on darker eggs. I have a Marans who does it, as well as several of my lighter egg-layers. I believe that the purplish tone is actually required in Langshan, though I have never kept them; from pictures, the eggs look like plums.
You're right! It looks more plum instead of purple.
The purple tone is indeed caused by bloom; the white layered on top of the brown pigment dulls it to that lilac colour, or a more deep mauve on darker eggs. I have a Marans who does it, as well as several of my lighter egg-layers. I believe that the purplish tone is actually required in Langshan, though I have never kept them; from pictures, the eggs look like plums.

Your post made me wonder...I went to do a Bing search on Langshans and found this image of the eggs:
langshan eggs.jpg

Interesting, I've never checked out Langshans before. Thanks for mentioning them!

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