Anyone ever have a hen or pullet lay purple eggs? I know Easter Eggers can lay blue, green, brown, white, tinted, and even pinkish eggs, but I've never heard of purple eggs. I have 3 EE pullets I got from TSC back in the spring but none of them are laying yet and I keep them penned up till at least noon before letting them out.
I found a Leghorn mutt that can't be caught and penned, in an outdoor nest singing the egg song. When I looked in, I found another purple egg, this is the 4th one I've found in there. It's light purple and about medium sized.
I'll upload a pic later.
Anyone else ever heard of purple eggs?
I found a Leghorn mutt that can't be caught and penned, in an outdoor nest singing the egg song. When I looked in, I found another purple egg, this is the 4th one I've found in there. It's light purple and about medium sized.
I'll upload a pic later.
Anyone else ever heard of purple eggs?
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