Purple eggs??



10 Years
Feb 21, 2009
Greenup KY
This is for all you EE people. This may be a stupid question but just curious if this is possible. Say you took a rooster that comes from a line they lay pink eggs and crossed him to a hen that lays light blue eggs. Is it possible for the egg genetics to maybe blend and produce purple or lavender colored eggs? The reason I ask is because I was at a friends yesterday and he has a mixed hen who hatched from a blue egg who now lays a brown egg with calcium deposits or worty looking things all over. All of the deposits are always purple or blue though which gives the apperarance of a spotted egg. He showed me 6 of her eggs he has been collecting and I have never seen anything like it. Each egg had several colored spots and most were a pretty shade of purple on a medium to light brown background.
A purple polka-dotted egg?
There was a chap in Britain who marketed pretty coloured eggs via the supermarkets....some of which were reputed to be purple &/or plum colour....the hens laying those eggs were second crosses from an autosexing breed of blue egg layers (Cream Legbars) with various non blue egg laying breeds.
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I'd love to see pictures of the eggs. Can you get any from him to hatch out? Like all of them?
I'd even buy a dozen or two...or three.

It's probably possible. I've read that the Langshan lays a dark plum colored egg, but so far no one who has Langshans has been able to verify that.

Now I want chickens that lay purple eggs.
I asked last night and he included them in a shipment he sent someone but said she lays pretty good and he should have more soon. I will at least try to get a pic soon.
Hmmmm..........that is an interesting thought. I know that with a green EE egg you basically have a blue egg layer and a brown egg layer mixed causing a blue egg with a sort of brown coating which makes a green egg. I have seen plenty of eggs from a green and a brown layer crossed which muddies the green down even more causing a brown/green color. From everything I have observed, it appears that instead of actually mixing colors, the eggs are almost layered. It just might work!!!!

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