Putting A Chick And Ducks Together.


Jul 6, 2022
Hi, I’ve got a single chick , the others didn’t develop but I’ve also got ducks on the way next week , I was wondering if I could put the ducks in the brooder with the chick, I know they can’t be in there for long because they grow big but I want the chick to have buddies for a bit before I transfer them into another brooder.

Would this be ok and for how long :)
Don't do it.

I made the mistake you are considering two years ago, when i started my flock. The ducks grew so fast that they literaly crushed a chick in their ungainly waddle to the feed bins. It was not a good death.
I’m so sorry 😥 , thanks for telling me about this
Ducklings are also very sloppy and enjoy making their brooder as wet as possible, which is a very unhealthy environment for a chick. The best course of action for your lone chick would be to see if you can find it a few buddies of its own species to keep it company.
I agree. Assuming you don’t have drakes you could put them together when grown but as ducklings/chicks it’s a disaster waiting to happen. Ducklings are sooo messy/wet which is not good for the chick plus they do grow so much faster and could easily trample a chick. I’d see if there was anyone to get another chick close in age to the one you already have.

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