Quail Chick Hatched with Raspy Voice


In the Brooder
Feb 15, 2020
Pretty much that. First to hatch about half way through day 16 hatched with a hoarse voice. Its happy warble sounds normal, but the loud call is raspy and there is a small crackling sound every so often. It is eating and drinking normally and shows no signs of illness except for the sound. From what I can see there is no runny nose or anything. Hatch mates all sound fine. Any ideas? Maybe a developmental issue?
Pretty much that. First to hatch about half way through day 16 hatched with a hoarse voice. Its happy warble sounds normal, but the loud call is raspy and there is a small crackling sound every so often. It is eating and drinking normally and shows no signs of illness except for the sound. From what I can see there is no runny nose or anything. Hatch mates all sound fine. Any ideas? Maybe a developmental issue?
i think it could’ve been a birth defect
It is same as with us humans, we also have different voices.

I have a roo, which crows like Ozzy Osborne after a concert and 2 bottles of Bourbon, totally raspy.

He is the father of some chicks, I am raising right now.
The one roo, son of him, is starting crowing right now and sounds normal.

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