Quail Chick Health Issue


6 Years
Jul 15, 2017
I hatched out some Chinese Painted and Coturnix quail chicks a few days ago. They aren’t in the brooder until tomorrow as I had to wait for more disinfectant (Virkon). They’ve been doing well (I water hourly and feed them 27% starter). I’ve had one CPQ death and now another is bending it’s neck back (see pics).
The others seem to be doing fine, I haven’t raised CPQ before, but I have raised Coturnix and have only seen this incident a year ago in a chicken chick.
Thank you. No, I don’t have any nutritional supplements and not sure where I can buy any locally. I haven’t seen this one eat. Could I push crumb into his mouth?
I'd be too scared to force anything.
How about you scamble an egg and mash it up real good and see if he will try it.

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