Mar 17, 2008 #1 Cara Songster 12 Years Aug 30, 2007 3,267 16 221 NM Does anyone have any recipes for sauces to dip hard boiled quail eggs in? I'm about to hatch my first Coturnix Quail and just can't wait!
Does anyone have any recipes for sauces to dip hard boiled quail eggs in? I'm about to hatch my first Coturnix Quail and just can't wait!
Mar 18, 2008 #2 MissPrissy Crowing Premium Feather Member 12 Years May 7, 2007 24,433 152 371 Forks, Virginia Would a standard hollandaise work for you?
Mar 18, 2008 Thread starter #3 Cara Songster 12 Years Aug 30, 2007 3,267 16 221 NM It would for me, but not for my picky husband
Mar 20, 2008 #4 MBLayfield Songster 12 Years Oct 22, 2007 225 1 131 Wellsville, UT I've never had an egg dipped in any sauce except tabasco lol! I'm up to my eyeballs in coturnix eggs! If you found any good recipes or ways to enjoy them other than hardboiled I'd be interested in some recipes also!
I've never had an egg dipped in any sauce except tabasco lol! I'm up to my eyeballs in coturnix eggs! If you found any good recipes or ways to enjoy them other than hardboiled I'd be interested in some recipes also!