Question about a light Brahma Gender


5 Years
Oct 1, 2014
I already posted on another forum and just found this one which is where I probably should have posted in the first place. My husband and I are new to chicken raising and have raised four. Betsy is our light brahma and this morning she "croaked" when I went to let them out of the coop. My husband really seems to think that maybe she is still a hen, but I am almost positive this bird is a rooster. I'm attaching a picture to see if anyone can offer any insight. We can't have roosters inside our city limits so she / he needs to go if thats the case.

Thank you!
I'm sorry to say, but I think it is a rooster. I would still keep him/her and listen for crowing. If 'she' crows, you'll know it's a boy.
I have a light brahma rooster exactly like HIM definitely a rooster.

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