Question about cockerels and cats


8 Years
Apr 16, 2011
El Monte
I just saw today a white stray cay lying down too close to my chickens. I have 3 mutt pullets and a regular light brahma cockerel that are about 3 months old now. One of my pullets is on the small side, probably a bantam mix, so I'm worried this cat had decided after weeks of watching my chickens, that they would make a good meal. My cockerel is pretty big now, but how old does he have to be before he has his protective roo instincts kick in and scares cats away?
Any day now. Just stay back and watch, maybe have a video camers ready cause the cat is gonna learn a lesson
The bantam is the lowest in rank in my flock and my cockerel tends to bully her a bit at meal times or when getting in the coop. He'd still defend her if a cat tries to make her its lunch, right?
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A good rooster will be the first one to the fight, he may be initially slow but it doesn't take him long to learn . Don't worry about the banty, if she does what the roo says she is just as protected as the other birds.
Awesome, thank you for telling me that! In a way I can't wait to see him in action, specially once he's reached his full weight. Seeing a cat run away from the 12 pound fluff of fury must be quite a view

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