Question about Dog Diaper...

sunny & the 5 egg layers

8 Years
Mar 29, 2011
My 1 year old (spayed) female border collie named Zoey keeps peeing on the floor. I have talked to my vet about it and he said that it is common for spayed female dogs to pee like that. It seems like every night she will leave a trail of pee and puddles of pee on the floor and on her bed. I made her a dog diaper and I was wondering if she could get an infection if I kept it on her all night and took it off every morning? I would rather be safe then sorry.

Thank you in advance.
The vet didn't recommend putting her on Proin?!? My spayed female gets one tablet morning and evening and never has an accident anymore. I get it from my vet. I pay about $45 for a 2 month supply. They are chewable tablets that she eats from my hand without a problem. Lacey is 9 and has been on Proin since she was 18 mos old.

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Vida is in heat right now, she wears the diaper all night long and all day long until her heat is over with. I've never had an issue with an infection. I "do" cheat and use baby diapers underneath the heat diaper. Remember to wash the diaper daily or you may very well have an infection start up. Unless your dog is smaller and able to wear the baby diapers?
I don't have a clue about the diaper, but think it odd that your vet said "that it is common for spayed female dogs to pee like that" I am hoping Jamie comes along, Jamie always has good ideas! I grew up with a spayed female who was very housetrained, she never had accidents, in fact if she say a younger dog pee in the house she would get upset with them. We have a spayed shepherd mix right now, she is primarily an outside dog, but if she is inside she never has accidents either. Our unspayed beagle will sometimes have accidents over night though.

Good luck

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