question about gardening


16 Years
Mar 23, 2008
Bailey, Mississippi.
probably sounds stupid, But.. How do you grow your own food?
,i want to start a garden and raise some vegetables, live off the earth etc etc, because i really dont like how bad the food nowadays is for you. plus prices and all of that stuff, have been trying to get my parents to start a garden but dad "doesn't have time" and mom "Doesn't wanna work it", But i want to so... how would i go about this?

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You can always start small with a garden, too! That way, you'll have more success. Often, people go dig up a huge plot and then it's too much for them to maintain.

You would be amazed at how much food you can get out of even a couple of large patio tubs!

If you want to dig up part of your yard, then I would suggest starting with just a few square feet and making it larger every year. That way, you won't skimp on soil preparation and weeding.

I would concentrate on growing things that you will get the most out of. I've grown most things you can in a garden, but here are some examples. I always like to grow an assortment of greens, because they're good for me, I like them a lot, they don't travel or store all that well, so they are extra fantastic when fresh out of the garden. We also have raspberries, because they also don't travel or ship very well, are expensive in the store and my husband loves them. Fresh, vine ripened tomatoes are fantastic, still warm from the sun. Yummy! Summer squash is easy to grow and I really love it. Winter squash stores well, after harvest. You might choose things that you like to eat, are easy to grow, don't take much growing space, store well after harvest, have a large harvest, are expensive in the store or are particularly nutritious.

1. Start small.

2. Do a thorough job of soil preparation. This is a more involved topic, depending on what your soil is like. It takes the most work, the first year. See above.

3. Choose things to grow that you really like to eat and it will make your gardening a lot more rewarding.

4. Keep it weeded and water as needed. Mulching can help keep weeds down.

5. Start a compost pile, to feed your soil and improve it's texture next year.

Good luck with your gardening! It's never too late in the year to start, even if you just get started on soil preparation for next year's garden. There are also fall and winter crops, depending on where you live.
For your situation I would =highly= recommend Mel Bartholomew's book "Square Foot Gardening". It is a good thorough beginners' guide to preparing soil and planting things so you get maximum crop from minimum area and not too much work.

Good luck, and hope to see you over on TEG

I am a master gardener and I have to agree with you on the square foot gardening by Mel Bartholomew. You can get the libray to get it for you if they don't have it they can get it thru libray lending, you also might look for it used off amazon or ebay (but I am really disgusted with ebay and what they have turned into). Another gardening idea you might want to look into is lasana gardening it would be great to start your plot for next year it is great for building new garden sites just pile great stuff in layers and let nature do the work, this book can also be borrowed thru your local libray. Good luck Danial

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