question about humidity


11 Years
Mar 20, 2008
spring valley , CA
like i have said before my incubatoe is one of those little yellow ones with a plastic dome. the real cheap ones! and it says that all i have to do is fill the 3 small wells with warm water and vouala i have humididty. well im not sure though. so far my three have been growing fine so is that a sighn that the humidity is ok. and wehn they are on day 18 should i put a small sponge or something in there. im juts afraid that there will be too much humidity. is that possible? my incubator is really small so i dont think one of those humidity measureres would fit. well thank you in advance for your response.
what you should do is buy a couple hygrometer to measure temp and humidity. I fthey are growing that is a good sign. to little humidity will make them stick to the shell and to high will actually drown them. I will try to find a diagram for you to hsow you what the air sack should look like

Ok I found this. I dont know if you know how to candle but this may help you out
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thanks so much. well i candled them and two of the air sacs look good but one looks like it doesnt even have an air sac. i really have no idea. i just know that there is no way that those little indents in the bottom are going to provide enough humidity on day 18. how big are those hygrometers because i dont know if it will fit inside this rinky dinky incubator. again thanks for the response

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