Question about leaving 6 week old chicks outside *EDIT*


10 Years
Mar 19, 2009
New Mexico
I'm debating whether to bring the chicks inside this afternoon. They are just over 6 weeks old and have their feathers in.

They go out during the day most of the time unless the weather is bad. It's been around 65 during the days... tonight it's supposed to be 38-40...

My Brother has invited us to a dinner and I'm curious if i can leave them outside for part of the night. Do you think it would be safe? I don't want to leave them indoors because we have a dog who has munched a baby chicken before.

Any thoughts? I thought about locking the dog out but he's blind and diabetic and needs access to his food and stuff..he's mainly an indoor dog.


They do have a coop with a house that has straw in it. I've had them for 6 weeks, when i got them they had just begun getting their feathers in as well.. I'm not sure on the age of them completely because i don't know how long it takes for them to get their feathers.

I'll bring them in when i get home tonight, probably around 10ish, as well.
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They may be a little older than 6 weeks..we've had them for 6 weeks so that's what i go by...they were already getting feathers in when we got them... but yeah no more down or anything..they're fully feathered.
You said part of the night -- so you plan on at least checking on them when you get home, sounds like. I would. But then I'd probably have them out there 24/7 at this point.
my peeps go out at exactly 6 weeks, with a heat lamp for the first few days just to help ease them into it, but then that's it.

isn't 6 weeks the magic age at which all the instruction manuals tell you to throw them outside?

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