My wife wants me to plant some of the pumpkin seeds that are supposed to be really big. Not sure where I am going to put them as my garden is basically full and I assume they will vine and grow out pretty big. The pack I bought only as 5 seeds and the guys said to only let one pumpkin per plant to grow if we are wanting large ones. I was thinking about planting one on each side of the outside of my garden along the fence. Once on each side. I have never messed with them and didn't know if there was a way to somewhat control which way they go so I can keep them growing along the fence or will they take off what ever direction they want. I am assuming I can just break up the soil in a small area where I plant the seed and then let them grow on top of my grass? They don't have to be inside the fence in the tilled portion of my garden do they? The fenced in garden is 25x25. I also have three rows of sweet corn that is already about 12 inches tall. Would it be possible to plant them pumpkins in with the corn now?