Chad Brantly
I got some day old chicks yesterday. Today I built a brooder pen inside my coop and moved them outside. I just wanted to check with the smart people here and make sure I wasn’t making a big mistake. Here are some pictures of my coop and the new brooder pen. Let me know what you guys think. I hung a heat lamp for tonight but I think tomorrow I will try to make a mama heating pad I read about on another thread. I am in West Texas so the temps are pretty mild (lows in the 40s, highs in the 70s right now). I think they will be ok, but I wanted to get y’alls approval!
I also included a picture of the babies in the indoor brooder that I took last night. Unfortunatey the Barred Plymouth Rock did not live through the night her first night home, but the other 7 seem to be doing great. Just found her dead and away from the heat lamp this morning when we woke up.
I also included a picture of the babies in the indoor brooder that I took last night. Unfortunatey the Barred Plymouth Rock did not live through the night her first night home, but the other 7 seem to be doing great. Just found her dead and away from the heat lamp this morning when we woke up.
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