Question about Sex Links!


Muddy Acre Farms
14 Years
Sep 20, 2009
Pride, La.
I know that I've read that on Black Sex links the male has the white spot on it's head. Does it ever vary? The reason I'm asking is a friend just hatched 10 eggs from my Barred Rock Hens & RIR mixed with a banty roo. (Don't have a clue what he's mixed with since he was given to me!) My roo has the red coloring of a RIR but his tale feathers are grey & silver and his feet are feathered. Out of the 10, 2 are solid black without any spots and the other 8 are a mix of black, grey & silver but they all have spots on their heads and some have feather on their feet. So is it safe to say we have 2 pullets & 8 roos??

I wasn't sure if the fact that he wasn't a pure RIR would make a difference with any of the true sex link markings.

I would very much appreciate any help that I could get!!


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I forgot to add I did read the Sex Link sticky but nothing was mentioned about having a mixed breed roo and what could possibly come from it!

Really?? Thats good to know! I'm hoping that maybe there are more pullets in there.

Yes they would, in this case, the purity or breed of the roo is not an issue, as long as he is NOT Barred or White (dominant White or Recessive White masking barring) and as long as the hens ARE BARRED, then yes they will be sexlinks. and yes they can be variing colors, her are my sexlinks from a BO roo on BR hens, some of the cockerels actually looked like barred chicks,( mainly black with a head spot) and some of them were a cute little smoky grey color.


And even with the pullets here you can see variation depending on the roo. Like using a black roo on barred hens, the pullets will be solid black, using a red roo the pullets will have a little red on their faces, and her with a buff roo, my pullets had a buff head and some had buff chests too


EDIT TO ADD However, if you were trying to make Red Sexlinks using Gold gene on Silver Gene sexlinkage, that may not work with your roo being mixed but if he was a cross of two gold gene birds and is still pure for the gold gene, then he still should work. do you have any pics ?
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Thanks for you reply!

Here's a pic of the 2 we're pretty sure are pullets.

And here's a pic of the 8 with little spots on their heads.

Here's a pic of the roo.

Thanks a bunch for your help

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Do you have a way to crop the pic of the roo and make it bigger ? his tail feathers look blue and if so, then I think some of those lighter grey colored roos in the pics are acutally going to be blue barred instead of black barred.
Yea I'm in the car now on my way home so i'll do it when I get there. Just went and picked them all up.

Thanks for all your help

I believe your right. Some are getting their wing feathers and there looking a bit barred!!

Here is the cropped picture. I hope it comes out okay!


Thanks again
Yep, his tail feathers look blue so some of your roos are going to be blue barred and some are black barred. Both of the pullets look black though.

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