Question about "Wobbly" chicken.


In the Brooder
Feb 23, 2020
So, this is probably going to sound a little odd, but about a year ago, I got an order of Black Laced Golden Wyandottes from cackle hatchery. Most of them were pretty standard. But, right outta the box, there was one odd one. She still had the black an gold colors of her fellow chicks, but her pattern was off. It was sorta mottled and disorganized. And, on top of that she didnt have the normal comb type that the wyandottes usually have. But, I've heard thats not actually uncommon for wyandottes.

Anyhow, besides her strange appearance, she also seemed to be a little lethargic. But, I figured food and water would perk her up.

Several weeks pass and I've transferred her and the other chicks into a bigger cage that I could walk into and... well, basically, the entire time, she'd still been lethargic. And I was starting to worry she might be sick. But... whatever it was wasnt contagious as she'd been with the other birds the entire time and none of them had acted lethargic. And when I introduced her to my established flock, none of them got sick either. On top of that, she seemed to have.. I dont know how to even describe it. I want to say a weird "fear response." She was never nervous around me. A lot of the other chicks weren't to crazy about being picked up or petted. But, this chicken had no problem with me petting her or picking her up, and, she would actually regularly come and obsessivly sit on my shoe while I was outside with her.

She also seemed to sometimes walk into walls. So, I almost thought she might be blind. But, then, one day, I saw her flinch away from a more dominant hen that was about to peck her. So, I then decided she wasn't blind. She's also able to locate the water stations, and, like I mentioned, she consistently finds my shoe.

Several months pass and, shes still lethargic. Shes been sort of tired and "wobbly" ever since I got her. She hasn't shown any improvments... but she hasn't gotten worse either. She's kind of just a quirky wobbly (now adult) chicken.

I'm sure theres something "wrong" with her, even if it isnt deadly. But, I have no idea how to even begin searching for what her condition might be. I tried googling, but all i got were results for mareks (which I thought was contagious) and several other respiratory diseases (also contagious). Shes a good and silly bird. But, I also want to know what might be "wrong" with her so I can help her. Though, she seems to do fine by herself. I honestly dont know where else to turn for identifying what might be going on with her. I mean, I don't want to say there's something "wrong" with her. But, theres definitly something different about her. She's just... like I said... wobbly, sometimes seems to walk into walls, and (almost) abnormally sweet and sociable with humans and doesnt fear strangers like the rest of my chickens do.
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So, this is probably going to sound a little odd, but about a year ago, I got an order of Black Laced Golden Wyandottes from cackle hatchery. Most of them were pretty standard. But, right outta the box, there was one odd one. She still had the black an gold colors of her fellow chicks, but her pattern was off. It was sorta mottled and disorganized. And, on top of that she didnt have the normal comb type that the wyandottes usually have. But, I've heard thats not actually uncommon for wyandottes.

Anyhow, besides her strange appearance, she also seemed to be a little lethargic. But, I figured food and water would perk her up.

Several weeks pass and I've transferred her and the other chicks into a bigger cage that I could walk into and... well, basically, the entire time, she'd still been lethargic. And I was starting to worry she might be sick. But... whatever it was wasnt contagious as she'd been with the other birds the entire time and none of them had acted lethargic. And when I introduced her to my established flock, none of them got sick either. On top of that, she seemed to have.. I dont know how to even describe it. I want to say a weird "fear response." She was never nervous around me. A lot of the other chicks weren't to crazy about being picked up or petted. But, this chicken had no problem with me petting her or picking her up, and, she would actually regularly come and obsessivly sit on my shoe while I was outside with her.

She also seemed to sometimes walk into walls. So, I almost thought she might be blind. But, then, one day, I saw her flinch away from a more dominant hen that was about to peck her. So, I then decided she wasn't blind. She's also able to locate the water stations, and, like I mentioned, she consistently finds my shoe.

Several months pass and, shes still lethargic. Shes been sort of tired and "wobbly" ever since I got her. She hasn't shown any improvements... but she hasn't gotten worse either. She's kind of just a quirky wobbly (now adult) chicken.

I'm sure there's something "wrong" with her, even if it isn't deadly. But, I have no idea how to even begin searching for what her condition might be. I tried googling, but all i got were results for Marek's (which I thought was contagious) and several other respiratory diseases (also contagious). Shes a good and silly bird. But, I also want to know what might be "wrong" with her so I can help her. Though, she seems to do fine by herself. I honestly don't know where else to turn for identifying what might be going on with her. I mean, I don't want to say there's something "wrong" with her. But, there's definitely something different about her. She's just... like I said... wobbly, sometimes seems to walk into walls, and (almost) abnormally sweet and sociable with humans and doesn't fear strangers like the rest of my chickens do.
If she's always been like this, then it is probably something she was hatched with. It might have just been a deficiency from hatching, like when a baby is blind or deaf or like my brother has craniosynostosis (but it's not like a chick gets that). She was probably just born weak and unable to walk as strongly as the others. She might need some babying from you, she has already seem you as 'substitute mommy' and wanted to be near you. Some of my chickens are like that (healthy but wanting to be held and carried). I'd just keep an eye on her, because she won't be able to run from predators easily.
Can you also post a pic of her feather pattern compared to another hen's?

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