Question: Are my chicks dead?


11 Years
Jan 19, 2009
Chattanooga, Tenn.
Last night, first night in the incubator, temperature was 105 for 4-6 hours. I think the wisest thing to do is scrap these eggs and start over. Does anyone know differently? I'm new at this, but those eggs were really hot. It seems like curtains to me.
What day are you on, If you are far enough that you can see the babies moving when you candle, then candel a few and see if you get any movement. I'm optimistic, I say give 'em a chance, they may surprise you!
Since they said it was day 1, seems like a waste of time.

Oh, didn't see that part... Just woke up, LOL. In that case you haven't really lost much time, I'd say if they are nothin special eggs, then start over, if they are special eggs, give them 7-10 days and see if they develope.
Since they said it was day 1, seems like a waste of time.

Oh, didn't see that part... Just woke up, LOL. In that case you haven't really lost much time, I'd say if they are nothin special eggs, then start over, if they are special eggs, give them 7-10 days and see if they develope.

Seems I need to go back to reading 101 also
I agree with the above
LOL early morning banter. :)) Thank you all so much! The eggs weren't special, they can easily be replaced (I ordered from a hatchery). But they were expensive. Sigh. Hating being a beginner. Bank account hating it too.
Well, since you ordered them, I would give them time to incubate and see what happens. Unless you just really are opposed to wasting that time? You should be able to see enough to make a decision by day 4 unless they are really dark eggs.

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