Question for folks with indoor ducks


In the Brooder
Mar 24, 2017
I have only one duck. He is a male Pekin who is almost 2 months. He is 100% bonded to me. I keep him in a huge clear plastic tote for him to sleep in and hang out in when we are not home. He use to be fine in his tote as long as he knew I wasn't far. He has a duck stuffed animal he loves and a mirror he sleeps in front of. Anyway I am retired so it's just me and him at home everyday. Now he is getting older he wants to be out with me. He loves laying on the couch with me or just following me around everywhere I go.

So can you folks please tell me how you deal with your indoor duck pooping constantly? I have wood floors and leather couches so it's easier to clean up, but as you all know it's A LOT of poop!! Please anyone give me advice on what you all do!!

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