Question for those making homemade chicken feed.


In the Brooder
6 Years
May 24, 2013
Central Florida
How do you calculate the protein %? I want to mix my own corn free soy free chicken feed, but can't figure out how to calculate this. Please help me figure this out. Thank you.
I tried to figure out those SS, but it wasn't sinking in. I found this site that was extremely helpful:
My chicks are 8 weeks old and I'm wondering what protein % I should be aiming. I figured since the starter grower I'm feeding them now is 18% I should aim for that amount. Does that sound about right?

Here's the recipe I'm considering that I'm calculating to be about18.23%.
4 cups oat groats
4 cups BOSS
6 cups hard red wheat berries
2 cups lentils
2 cups barley
2 cups millet
2 cups split peas
1 cup flax seeds
1/2 cup brewers yeast
1/4 cup kelp granules
free choice grit

Does that sound like an adequate and balanced diet for 8 week old chicks?
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That is the protein % I like for young birds, have you figured out the fat% or some of the vitamin%s?. It sounds like a good mix of grains etc. My problem with the totally home made diets is always I have no real idea how most of the vitamins and minerals really balance out. If the birds are able to free range a lot of the time I don't worry about it too much as long as they are getting a wide variety of food stuff. If not, I would consider adding a poultry premix or good quality v/m supplement to the food occasionally on the rather safe than sorry theory. Were you able to get an excel spreadsheet going? I can't figure out how to get a spreadsheet with formulas pasted or attached in here.
I just started making my own feed and didn't follow any particular recipe. However here is what I am mixing....

3 parts Wheat
2 parts Hulled Sunflower Seed
2 parts Millet
1 part Corn
1 part Oats
1/2 part Alfalfa Pellets

This makes about 10 pounds, each part being a pound. I pull out only what I need for the day and grind in the grain grinder that day. I then add 1 ounce of Farmers Helper Ultra Kibble alternating with Pro-vital, both vitamin/mineral mixes every other day. The Ultra Kibble also contains fish proteins. I also am adding 1 tablespoon of calcium powder per pound of feed. I dampen the feed a bit if the grind is too powdery. The chickens seem to enjoy it, I know what they are eating and they seem to do fine on it. So far. :)
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Kelsie2290- I couldn't figure out the SS. I don't know
the fat content nor the vitamin content for the recipe. I believe the vitamins come from the brewers yeast and the kelp. I modified garden Betty's recipe and she states you can use a multivitamin mineral supplement instead of the brewers yeast and kelp.

TwoCrows- thank you for sharing your recipe. Have you calculated the protein %?
I make my own mix using a base bag of whatever 50 lb corn and wheat scratch and add 25 lb saffower, 2.5 lbs.meal worms . So The scratch is 9.5 % protein, safflower is like 25% and meal worms are really high at 50%. So total protein for a 77.5 lb mix is 84.5%...roughly 10% per lb. I feed 1lb per day to 8 chickens and 2 turkeys. I am still supplementing with turkey grower at this time but hope to start making my own meal worms and use that as most of the feed along with wheat, rye, corn, safflower and amaranth is the plan so far.
Kelsie2290- I couldn't figure out the SS. I don't know
the fat content nor the vitamin content for the recipe. I believe the vitamins come from the brewers yeast and the kelp. I modified garden Betty's recipe and she states you can use a multivitamin mineral supplement instead of the brewers yeast and kelp.

TwoCrows- thank you for sharing your recipe. Have you calculated the protein %?
I am not sure I am doing it right, however I believe that it is only a little over 13%

For those reading this, tell me if I am doing it right...

3 parts Wheat @11% 3x11=33
2 parts Sunflower @20% 2x20=40
2 parts Millet @13% 2x13=26
1 part Corn @7% 1x7=7
1 part Oats @12% 1x12=12
1/2 part Alf. Pellets @ 16% .5x16=8
126 divided by (parts) 9.5 = 13.26% protein
I also calculated the fat at 6.6% and the fiber at 12.6%

And by adding the Farmers Helper Ultra Kibble, I am adding more protein in the form of fish, dried veggies, pro biotics and some trace minerals.On the days I alternate with Pro-vital, they are getting more omega's, amino acids and vitamins. I throw out some meal worms on the days that they are on the Pro-vital since they are getting less protein. I have not seen a drop in laying being on this diet.

Both the Ultra Kibble and the Pro-vital are adding all those vitamins and minerals that the grains are lacking. I follow the manufacturers suggestions when adding to the feed.
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