Hi all, my name is Nikki. I've been lurking on your site since we got out chickens about two months ago. We started out with 6 hens and a roo and have since added 2 more roos and 5 more hens. Everyone is settled in nicely and coexisting as peacefully as 3 roosters can. Anyway, we gave one of our hens 8 eggs just to see if she would sit on them. She went broody right away and has kept six eggs. We have not seperated her from the flock, just left her box in the corner out of the way of the others. The eggs are due to hatch sometime next week and we want to let her raise her chicks. My question is, when the chicks hatch will the other chickens continue to leave them alone or will they pick at them. I would really prefere to leave them all together so I don't have to re-introduce them later if that is possible. I've also just put out 9 more eggs for someone to sit on, no one ever told me chickens were addictive!!!! Thanks for any input, I look forward to hearing what the experts have to say