Quick Chick Question -- 2 More Pics Added!!

This one hatched yesterday afternoon and is still not walking. Not eating or drinking either. Doesn't look like spraddle leg. Legs are right where they should be, she's just not standing up on them. She's peeping, moving around clumsily, blinking her eyes, etc., but no walking. I put her in a box with a light and fed her dry milk mixed with water and a little sugar by eyedropper. Plus I'm standing her up inside a cup for 20 mins or so at a time. Anyone got any ideas what could be up with this chick?
Now that's a first! I don't believe I've ever heard of a disabled chick! In any case, this is the only chick I have so she's gonna have to settle for me as a buddy!
She can stand and shuffle a step or two, but then she falls/sits down. She's also able to stand in the cup with her chin resting on the rim of the cup. She's very cute, alert and responsive. I'm recharging my camera battery and then I'll post a pic.
She might have some sort of muscular defect so she can't support her own weight.. You might be able to try splinting her legs.
I'd try to get her a friend if you could within the next week or so; you're probably great company now, but chickens are social animals and she'll probably figure something's up pretty soon..
Oh, and there are plenty of disabled chicks from birth defects and whatnot. Solarical's little Nemo is missing a wing; there's a thread on it that you can find with the search.
Good luck with your little one! I'm sure as long as she's eating and drinking, she'll be a-okay. I can't wait for those pics, and keep us updated!

Edited because I spelled my name wrong. Go me!
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Here are the pics as promised.

This is her laying in her little brooder box:


And here she is standing up in her cup:


I went to the market and got some Polyvisol this morning. I gave her three drops mixed in with her dried milk, water and sugar mixture. We'll see if it helps.

GegChickies, if I did a splint, would I do it so that the entire leg is straight? Or would I let that backward knee thing bend a little?
It depends on how weak she is. I'd just experiment with it and tweak it for her needs. If you splint her ENTIRE leg, she might not be able to lie down properly. It'll probably be difficult to configure either way.. :|
My friends had a duck before that was born lame, though. He was the best ever, but he never walked. He kind of pulled himself around with his wings, I think. She CAN survive without her legs, as long as you give her special attention.

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