Raising and Growing Our Organic and Not- So-Organic Foods

Yes, sharing with the bugs and critters seems to be part of the game.

We still have more to dig... maybe today as kids get early release today. Would like to get them out of the ground before the hard frost tonight.

Still working on getting the wood stove up and running again with a few repairs. THe Oct 22 order was held up waiting for a part.... sheesh, I vsited the place a week ago but they didnt check on the order, justsaying no deliveries arrived yet for the day, implying it was likely to arrive asap. NOPE> they called the sender while I was present to find out the situation.... claiming they had no say in the delivery..... didnt make me feel warm and fuzzy.

In the future I will order parts online myself so I know what is going on.

THe pipes are not fitting the old stove. THe new 6 inch pipes are not fitting my old model. Just trying to get it serviceable at this point. The temps in the house are dropping fast. ANd 3 nights of hard frost expected.

Kale still doing well, and the scallions, beets, and mustards.

Tomatoes look terrible, lol the vines withered and fruit frost bitten. Im always amazed though how long they do last for a summer loving plant. Not as tender as one might think.

The baby kale have just sat in the ground-- enduring the cold yes, but not growing. Looks like plants need to be of useable size BEFORE the cold temps arrive.

Looking at Pawpaws for next year. Seems to be an easy plant over all. We are at thezone limits of some of the varieties; some do better in the south, others can handle zone 5. We are 6a, so do need to look for zone compatable varieties.

The prices are a bit hefty, running 24-40 $ for a grafted variety. IF not grafted, it is a seedling, and like an apple wont be the exact replica of the parent. So Im looking at getting 4-6 varieties the first planting, 10 in my dreams. Plan to have a spread in ripening times as they generally are a short window and only hold a day or two before spoiling.

Too soft and perishable to be a traveling fruit. Sooooo........ thinking about how to mash and freeze the pulp/ THe seeds are BIG and easy to remove. At lease there sill be a year or two before fruiting on the grafted, whereas the seedlings are 5-8 years to fruit. ANother reason to invest in grafted stock.

Still need to clear the area of the last few trees. While they do grow in semi-shade, that also reduces the fruiting. THey do need a bit of sun protection for a couple years though until hardy enough to withstand the sun.

Planning to put in seedlings to graft onto as well.

Maybe find a buyer for the extra, too.
Been a crazy year......

learning how to extend the growing season later into the fall, and earlier in the spring.

In the cold everything grows very very slowly.l The time for a beet to reach maturity is more than twice as long as the typical late spring planting. Funny, I didnt expect that.

Put in grocery potatoes and left over potatoes for early planting in March. Covered with fleece and while it seems like it does nothing, it really does work. When checking temp under fleece in late spring, the air is HOT under the fleece. Just not as big a change in the colder months.

First potatoes have been dug.

Many cold tolerant greens planted early. The small tunnel is too small for me to work in. Needs to be able to have plastic removed but cant as it is ducted taped to withstand the winds.

A sturdy GH would be better.

Bought my first 6 pawpaws!!! We dug more than enough holes, because too many hit hard pan and filling with water did not meet my perk test requirement. Roots dont like to be sitting in water. Forced to use one of the holes so cut away the downhill side to allow for drainage..... praying that works.

THe original neat layout is anything but neat. lol

Hope you are all gardening!!

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